A quick walkthrough of some of my GitHub Repos that count as releaesd work. You can also just go look at all my public repos that include things like Advent of Code solutions.
Recent Projects
Some things I’ve released more recently:
- gh-actuse, a GitHub CLI extension to determine your GitHub Actions usage. Currently written in Bash.
- OldAMIs, a JavaScript CLI for detecting older or deprecated AMIs in use in your AWS account.
- workflows, a repo for sharing GitHub Actions workflows, now that you can re-use them.
I’m not actively working on these, but I’ve done recent maintenance work on them:
- Moo, a Java library for mapping objects to objects, doing graph translations and graph updates.
- mvnclean, a small ruby cli for removing old dependencies from your local Maven repository
Older Projects
Things that :
- Prune, a configurable Ruby application/framework for analyzing and pruning files from a folder to do things like make backups increasingly sparse.
- Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), a ruby command-line application for managing and opening SSH tunnels, a sort of simple VPN.
- genhost, an application for generating host files, typically to allow you to switch settings from one location to another.
- Maven Growl, a thin wrapper script to pump Maven output into Growl on OS X.
- Maven Notification Center, a thin wrapper script to pump Maven output in to OS X Notification Center.
- CDNPay Parser, a parser for the PDFs generated by the Canadian Payments Association.
Other Stuff
What do you want to know?
- You might want to work with me, or learn about my business, Codiform.
- You might want to learn more about me.
- You are welcome to take a look at the rest of my repositories.